Cancel your Subscription

It's easy to cancel your Membership subscription plan. We won't make you jump through any hoops or ask you any questions.

This video shows starting a trial subscription, and then canceling the subscription:

How to cancel your subscription

  1. Sign in to Booth.Events and go Account -> Open Billing, or click here:
  2. Click Cancel Subscription (see red arrow)

Resume your Subscription

You can hit the Resume Subscription button until the end of your subscription period's end.

Note: resuming a subscription is not possible if you have canceled the subscription in its trial period.

This is what you'll see after you've canceled your subscription:

If you hit "Resume subscription" it's like un-canceling your subscription; you'll see your next payment amount and date shown when the order completes.

I have no gigs, is it ok to cancel?

Yes, we expect you to cancel your subscription when you cannot use it! We spent time making the system work well for that:

  • existing events/galleries are not changed & your galleries are still available after your cancelation is processed at the end of the subscription period - the only limitation is you cannot add more photos/videos to the events
  • your custom domain (if you have one) still works, so people who use your links after you cancel will still get to their galleries
  • you can cancel any time
  • if you cancel and the end of the subscription period hasn't been reached yet and you want to resume again, you can resume your subscription with just one click
  • if you cancel and want to resume later, you can choose any plan (does not have to be same one)
  • if you cancel and want to go without a subscription you can use the Week Pass (basic) or event credits package (Pro)

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