Download all of the photos & videos of an event

First make sure you are signed in to Shared.Gallery:

You must be the event owner to do this.

If you don't see the "Download Zip" button at the bottom of your gallery, then you are not signed in on Shared.Gallery. To sign in, follow these steps:

  1. Login to the Booth.Events dashboard
  2. Select "Sign in to Shared.Gallery" from the sidebar (dropdown on mobile)
  3. Wait until you see that you are signed in to Shared.Gallery. You'll be signed-in for this browser in *all* galleries.

Then view your gallery again and the Download Zip button should appear at the bottom of the screen.

How to view your gallery

  1. Open the event on Booth.Events
  2. In the white box near the top, click on the "Shared.Gallery" link to open the gallery of the event
  3. At the bottom of the gallery, click Download Zip. 

I want my guests to be able to download the ZIP file too. How?

By default only the event owner can download the ZIP file, but you can change this so that some (or all) guests can download the ZIP file too. To enable this please see this article.

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