How do my 3 free events work?

Booth.Events & Shared.Gallery are free to use for 3 free limited events. 

Each free event includes:

  • Galleries stored for 7 days, then they expire and are deleted
  • Each gallery can contain at most 100 photos/videos
  • Unlimited Emails
  • Limited SMS: you can only send to certain countries (continental North America is included)
  • 1 iPad license
  • Online support

To get more than 7 days or more than 100 photos/videos, please read more about our purchase options here. Please note that expired galleries are permanently deleted and cannot be restored.

To learn more about licenses and how they work with iPhones and iPads, please see our licensing help article.

Please note we may change how many free events you get, or how they behave, at any time.

To upgrade your plan & get unlimited events, go to the Billing page on the Dashboard.

What happens if we hit the limit of a free event?

Before you hit the limit you'll see clear warnings in the app and we'll also email you.

If you hit the limit during an event:

  • The app keeps working: you can keep taking photos/videos. You can also print & use AirDrop. You'll see the occasional warning that you've hit the limit.
  • No more photos or videos will be uploaded to the gallery. This means no more emails or texts will be sent. Photos & videos will continue being saved to the Camera Roll (they are not lost or deleted).
  • Photos, videos, emails, and texts will queue as uploads in the app. If you later purchase the event (or a subscription), go back to the app and leave it open to let all the uploads process. You can see uploads on the iPad app's home screen.

For more information please see:

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