Share Station, Capture Station: using multiple devices at one event

You can launch the same event on any mix of iPads, iPhones, or Macs, and run them all at the same time. This is perfect for 360 spinner booths, events with roamer booths, or events where you want to use multiple iPads to reduce long lineups at the booth.

There's no separate app for Share Station or Capture Station: it's all in our Booth.Events app.

The iOS app can run in one of the following roles on your iPhone, iPad, or Mac:

  • Everything: the app will capture photos/videos ("capture"), let the guests preview & reshoot ("preview"), and then let the guest enter their information to get a copy of their photos ("share")
  • Camera Station: the app will do capture and preview, but not sharing
  • Share Station: the app will not do capture/preview, it will only do sharing. It shows a view of the gallery with the newest photos always at the top. Guests can walk up to the Share Station and find the photos they took at the camera station (or on an "everything" iPad - doesn't matter which), and send them to themselves
    • You cannot run Share Station on an iPhone (use an iPad or Mac)

Walk-through Video

Don't want to watch a video? Scroll down and read the rest of the help article.

Recommended Setup

We recommend using the Camera Station role for 360 spinners, running on an iPhone. Then, set up an iPad running the Share Station role.

If you're going to have more than 1 iPad at your event, we recommend having one device be the Capture Station, and the rest be Share Stations.


Each plan contains a number of Active iPad licenses. It's important to note that each iPad needs a license even if they are at the same event.

  • The Basic plan cannot use multiple devices
  • The Pro plan can use any number of iPhones, and 1 iPad.
    • It is not possible to add more iPads to the Pro plan - please upgrade to Pro+ for more iPads
  • The Pro+ plan can use any number of iPhones, and 4 iPads.
    • You can pay to add more iPads at any time, just hit '?' -> "Ask Us"

For more details please see our Pricing Page.

How to Start Share Station

Follow these steps on the iPad app:

  1. Choose an Event and hit "Launch".
  2. Move the slider to "Customize", then hit "Continue":

  1. Choose the role for the device. It doesn't matter which order you start the devices in.

If you're going to start the device in the Share Station role, scroll to the bottom and set the Share Station Settings first!

Share Station Settings

At the bottom of the "What should this iPad do?" screen, you can see these Share Station settings:

When you turn off 'Latest' section, the large section at the top that has the QR code will be hidden.

When you turn off original photos, they won't be shown in the gallery view.

When you turn off grouping by session, instead of rows of photos that scroll left/right, you'll get one large vertically scrolling gallery view (without rows):

Share Station with grouping on (default)
Share Station with grouping turned off

Using the Share Station

Once Share Station has been opened, you can exit from it the same way as you can exit the event: hold down two fingers on the screen for a few seconds.

Guests can scan the QR code to open the most recent session on their phone.  Note that if your gallery has a passcode set then guests will be prompted to enter this if they navigate to the gallery. We recommend putting a sign with the passcode nearby the share station so guests know what it is!

This view automatically loads in new photos & videos as soon as they are available - there's no "refresh" button because this happens automatically, as soon as new uploads complete. This isn't a dumb timer: the server pushes the event to the iPad so there's no wait time.

Photos and videos are loaded in as guest scroll down. When a guest touches a photo or video, the full resolution copy is downloaded, and the guest can take the actions you've configured on the event:

Touching one photo opens all of the photos of that session, when grouping is on (default)

Customizing the Share Station

To change the background color or text color, edit the Event on the Dashboard and change the Gallery text/background colors. This affects your online gallery too.

On the Branding - iPad tab, you can also add custom HTML to the top of the Share Station:

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